Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
No burquas allowed
12th of Jan, 2012 by samantha_fox19
Aerotek Scam - hates Islam,lies and uses people [part 1-14]

Aerotek does a criminal background check, and our cousin was let go because he was born in a middle
eastern country, and Aerotek did not inform our cousin that the RBC Bank was doing training
on terrorists during their training class, and to our cousins surprise the 4 days he was there he
saw not one single person from middle eastern decent or background, or even one muslim. There was
not even a foot bath in the mens bathroom for a call center of 500 people, and muslims wash their
feet 5 times a day, yet RBC Bank teaches how to spot terrorist banking activities. RBC Bank considers
you a terrorist if you take out an unusual amount of money from your account, so if your car breaks
down and you withdraw money from your account to fix it, you are considered a terrorist, or if someone
leaves you an inheritance and you deposit the funds in your account you are flagged as a terrorist
for putting money in your account, if you send money to your families in other countries you are
also flagged as a terrorist. Just goes to show how banks treat people, for the 1/2% percent interest
they give you, might as well keep your money at home.

Aerotek Scam - Meredith Fulton the wicked witches of the east [part 2]

Meredith Fulton at Aerotek is the biggest lier of them all she won't even tell you why the clients let you go,
and she is a witch to talk to. Aerotek lies and tells you the contract is 3 months when in fact people are
daily kicked out of class with no warning except a message on your answering machine saying your fired.
The RBC bank call centre on Taylor Avenue is no better than Telesolutions and Xentel, Winnipeg, Manitoba's
worst call centers with a revolving door which 1/2 the city of Winnipeg has been through
the managers and training managers are all a bunch of liers at the RBC bank call center on Taylor. They are very
prejudice in who they hire and keep on, if your not an egg head they will let you go from training class, just like
Fineline Solutions they hire on 25 -30 pple and then keep 3-4 at the end.
The RBC bank is the same way, and they will lie right to your face, they have temp agencies do their
dirty work aka Aerotek, they won't tell you to your face that your let go, the temp agency just leaves you a message
not to go in to work, so you cant see what is really happening.

Aerotek Scam - Is Paige Cortese a scrotum sucker? [part 3]

Paige Cortese is a hypocrite and lying scrotum sucker, our cosuin lost $50 going to the internet cafe printing up
all the documents and faxing them long distance to Aerotek, first it was $20 , then another email and another
dozen or more papers to print up like the first time, this time it was $25 because Aerotek sent the wrong fax
number in the email and several dollars was lost trying to send faxes, finally we ha to go to fed ex to send
copy of void cheque, the internet cafe came to $45.00 an fed ex was almost $3 to sen void cheque and print
out the workers handbook for RBC, this is the frist time we ever spent so much money on printing and faxes
for a job, it was a scam an scam, becuase 3 days after Paige Cortisse leaves a message saying our cousin was
fired with no reason, after spending almost $50 in long distance faxes an printing, this Paige Cortisse needs to
butn in hell along with Sarah, Mereith, and the devil Chris aka manager

Aerotek Scam - Manly yes but John Perol likes it too [part 4]

John Perol is the woman in the Irish Spring commercial in the shower standing behind the man holding a bar of Irish
pring soap and saying "manly yes but i like it too", who doesn't have the balls to tell people to thier face they
been let go, something a woman would do since woman have no balls.
John Perol training manager for RBC Bankon Taylor Avenue in Winnipeg is 2 faced lying hypocrite, when our cousin faced
John about receiving a call from the temp agency and informing John of a very high score on the test, John said to our
cousin stay on and to just keep trying, when he got home the temp agency said not to go in on his voice message,
but I had to return my security pass, and confronted John and told him how he had lied to me. A real man would give
you a straight answer, the question is, "is John Perol gay?", we know he has no balls because he won'ttell employees
to thier face they have been let go, on Wednesday December 7, 2011 he came into work wearing a scarf around his neck,
and he looked like a tinkerbell, he was moving around the room like a model walking down a runway showing off a new
dress. John Perol grow a set of balls if you dont know how to ask Lindsay Peterson, thats if your not afraid of her
24 inch arms. John Perol dont tell people to keep trying when in fact you are letting them go, dont be a fag and tell
them the truth to their face like a real man.


Aerotek Scam - John Perol violates employees privacy policy [part 5]

This weekend Sat Dec 17 , 2011 our cousin ran into Curtis another person who was hired by Aerotek and let go by John Perol,
he came into class and wasn't even aware he was let go because John Perol didnt have the balls to tell him the day
before that he was let go instead Aerotek calls you at home to tell you not to go in and John waslked him out the
property at lunch time,
When our cousin ran into Curtis he told him that he knew that he also was being letting go because when he asked
John Perol "am I the only one being let go", John told him that there was another and mentionmed our cousin's name,
is this how the RBCbank respects people's privacy and confidentiality, John Perol cant tell our cousin to his face that he let him
go but will tell another aerotek employee. John Perol is a 2 face hypocrite an no better than the scrotum suckers at Aerotek.
Aerotek makes everyone sign confidentiality and privacy papers for the RBC Bank, yet RBC Bank training managers thats you
"John Tinkerbell Perol" went and told Curtis another Aerotek employess he was firing our cousin, you need to grow a set of
balls John Tinkerbell Perol and tell people to their face the truth and not lie.

Aerotek Scam - Hulk Hogan and Big Poppa Pump watch out [part 6]

The female manager for the RBC Bank campaign Lindsay Peterson is also a 2 faced lying hypocrite, who looks butch with
arms bigger than TNA's Big Poppa Pump, Scott Steiner, she makes Hulk Hogans 24 inch pythons look like garden snakes,
when she was informed about Skybridge aka Archway cutting people from class if not getting a high enough pass
mark on tests, she said that they dont do that here, but so far they have let go of 3 people from the class,
RBC Bank is a bunch of liers, and they dont even give you proper training, someone from the class said
the last training class was 3 1/2 weeks, now they barely give you a week, weeding out the egg heads
from the regular people, if you can't keep up , they let you go, which is prejudice keeping only the
beautiful people smart people. not even giving others a chance. Lindsay Peterson should stay out of the men's
gyms an concentrate on being a lady than a WWE wrestler with 24 inch arms.

Aerotek Scam - RBC Bank poor customer service agents [part 7]

Call agents do not even reverify your account information, nor do they ask your permission to be put on hold
and that is very rude, they have to ask your permission to be put on hold, and they have to verify your
information. The reason they dont do this is because call agents are penalized if they spend too much time
answering a call, and alot of call agents dont even bother asking cusotmers to set up an authentic word,
this is crappy service, is this what your paying RBC bank for with your bank fees, Yet RBC Bank want to fire
and let go of people in training when their own staff can't even do thier jobs properly,

Aerotek Scam - RBC Bank agents violate cell phone use [part 8]

Cell phones at the work stations RBC Bank winnipeg call center, its funny how in training they tell people not to
take put their cell phones so they cant take pictures of the screen, yet on the call floor you see cell phones
every where, and we all know that all cell phones have cameras, and what is stopping a call agent from snapping
up pictures of accounts with large amounts of money, how safe is your money and information when all call agents
have their cell phones out and ready to snap pictures off their screen. RBC Bank talks about terrorist activities
while their own employees are allowed to carry cell phones at their desk an take pictures of peoples personal
account information on the screen, who is the terrorist now, terrorists ont sit behin a screen with banking info
on people with camera cell phones, then why should RBC bank agents

Aerotek Scam - RBC Bank agents are not trained [part 9]

RBC bank call agents dont even do their jobs properly because they get penalized for giving good service, so they
cant stay on the phone long enough to set up authentication words for customers to use when calling in about their
account information, its all about shuving as many calls as possible down call agents throats and not customer care
or service. During training at RBC Bank Winnipeg our cosuin was told by the training managers that they will not get
no help whats so ever while they are on the floor, what kind of managers say this to employees in training, this is
RBC Bank's way of firing people, if your stuck or have the least bit of problem your fired, and they won't even tell
you, Aerotek will leave you a message on yout phone telling you your fired, how convenient

Aerotek Scam - RBC Bank managers all lie [part 10]

What do you expect when RBC bank managers are liers and 2 face hypocrites,you know what they say "crap rolls down hill"
getting crappy service from call agents is expected,next time you call RBC bank ask the call agent where their cell phone
is?. It's in their pocket or purse waiting and ready to snap a picture of your banking information off the screen,
Cell phones are out every where on the desks waiting to capture your account information, yet in training they
tell people cell phones is not allowed, they are all 2 faced hypocrite liers like John Tinkerbell Perol and
Lindsay She Hulk Peterson.

Aerotek Scam - Is Tim Peterson an ass hole? [part 11]

Tim Peterson was an ass hole when he was called regarding our cousin's wrongful dismissal and lies by John Perol
and Lindsay Peterson, and refused to give any kind of help whats so ever, if this is how they treat their staff
I hate to see how they treat their customers. Aerotek promised 3 months work amd not 2-3 days, and RBC Canada
also lied especially John scrotum sucker Perol and she hulk Lindsay Peterson who I'm sure with her 24 inch arms
can bench press a good 600 pouns, John tinkerbell Porel was not man enough to tell our cousin to his face he was
let go, or didn't have the balls is more like it, and she hulk Lindsay Peterson with her 24 inch arms was not
woman enough to simply tell the truth, typical female manager to lie, know we ask whether she carries a pair of
knee pads in her purse.

Aerotek Scam - RBC Bank sinking? [part 12]

Talk on the call floor is that RBC bank lost 9 billion dollars last year , and now they are selling off 3.5 billion dollars for 2012,
this is a warning to close your RBC bank account and to switch to another bank, why stick around and sink with the Titanic
when you can jump ship rather than drown. Agents are so unprofessional that they eat all ay at their desk while on the
phone, an rink out of regular coffee cups instead of sealed containers, the free scent zone scam are cry babies looking for
sympathy, and crying every time someone uses a hand sanitizer or lotion, pretending that the mere scent makes them sick,
our cousin sat next to Hannah and she would go ballistic and screaming just because the lady 2 setas across used hand lotion,
Hannah was a good drama queen, does her boyfriend use unscented condoms?

Aerotek Scam - Stay away from Aerotek [part 13]

Stay away from Aerotek, email this post to everyone you know, so that they wont be scammed by Aerotek, dont get scammed,
lied to and used like the rest of the people thjey kicked out of training at RBC, which was promised to be a 3 month contract.
We see that our complaint is not unusual and that Aerotek staffing has hundreds of complaints on line, but somehow they are all
well hidden, and dont pop up when you type Aerotek on google, if enough people type their complaints under "aerotek scam"
reports will get on the front page of google search for "aerotek" so everyone can see how Aerotek scams people.
Aerotek is a scam lying and with holding information, with rude staff who want nothing to do with you after they fire you for
no reason. THis is not how a temp agency is run, screwing people over and promising 3 month contracts which last only 2-3 days!!

Aerotek Scam - Lying Hypocrites [Part 14]

Aerotek promised our cousin 3 months, after 3 days in training at RBC Canada call center in Winnipeg,
Aerotek were calling people at home leaving messages saying that they were fired and not to go into
work. Our cousin got 76% on the test and also a message from Paige Scrotum Sucker Cortisse not to go
into work, but our cousin was already at work when he got the message, and the same situation with
another Aerotek guy named Curtis, who was escorted out the building by John Tinkerbell Porel.
Our cousin asked John Tinkerbell Porel why he was being fired and that he got 76% on the test,
John said he wasn't fired and to keep trying, he then asked She Hulk with the 24 inch arms Lindsay
Peterson if people in training were being fired and the She Hulk Lindsay Peterson said no, that
night when our cousin got home was another message from Paige Scrotum Sucker Cortisse not to go
into work.. $50 was lost printing 2 dozen or more pages of documents to fax back long distance
to Aerotek, and we were lied to , Paige Scrotum Sucker Cortisse said the job was 3 months not
4 days, Aerotek is a scam and RBC Bank lied , both training managers were 2 faced lying
hypocrites, as for John Tinkerbell Porel he needs to grow a set of balls and be a man
and tell people to their face the truth and not act like someones bitch

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