Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
Bouari Clinic
Bouari Clinic in Miami, Florida TOTAL FRAUD AND A SCAM Miami, Florida
5th of May, 2011 by User747237
I went to this clinic with the intention of getting on the hCG diet program, they sell it to you as if it were the hormone. I thought it was strange that they did not draw blood and that the office seemed very new and empty. I mean like no files or doctors around... The day after they get me to pay the money I take the medication to my doctor and he tells me that what I am taking is not hCG the hormone at all, it is a homeopathic vitamin supplement and that he does not recommend that I take this at all. Accordingly he advised me that GNC will sell you the same vitamin supplements, that have not been proven to mimic the hCG hormone by any means, for much less. So when I went back that afternoon to let them know that I would not be taking their product and I would like a refund the emloyee, who is not a nurse, said to me that hCG is not a hormone and that I can not get my money back and that I need a doctors note. Accordingly I said I want to see the licensed physician on site, she could not by any means tell me when that would be possible. No one had the authority to give me my money back but everyone there had the right to charge me and try to lie to me to sell me this fake hCG. I have a meeting with the "manager' on Monday and we will see what they say now they are saying that they will refund everything but $75.00 because it is corporate policy! If this prooduct is true and so effective and this is not a scam why did they take me into a little office and not just refund my money? Why did they try to take my product away form me before I received a refund? I have never seen a respectable company try to steal someones money the way this clinic has. If you dont believe me let me show you that the front of the bottle says homeopathic which means : meaning a form of alternative medicine in which practitioners treat patients using highly diluted[2][3] preparations that are believed to cause healthy people to exhibit symptoms that are similar to those exhibited by the patient. The collective weight of scientific evidence has found homeopathy to be no more effective than a placebo. Ingredients of their product that they say is hCG: Glandula supranerenalis suis(Adrenal), Abrotanum, Anacard or, Baryta mur, Calc carb, Calc phos, Graphites, Hellebor nig, Hepar suis, Hypothalamus, Ignatia, Lycopodium, Secale, Silicea, Thyroidinum 8X, 12X, 30C. Other Kidney 8X, 12X, Thymus 8X, 12X, 30C. Inactive Ingredients: Demineralized water, 20% Organic alcohol, 10% Glycerin. None of this is the hormone they state they are selling, all the ingredients are supplements! Look up each one some of these are not even FDA approved. Please before you lose your money as I have please talk to Dr. that truly administer the medication they will tell you that you have to have blood work done and that you must see a Dr. weekly!
4781 days ago by Anonymous
Thank you - I thought it was too good to be true, and you have just saved me some serious bucks.

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