Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
Connie Brown
Connie Brown Connie Brown Quickbooks Professional on Call (Dallas DFW) Scammed Grand Prairie, Texas
11th of Jan, 2011 by User972660
Hired Connie Brown Quickbooks Professional to tutor me in Quickbooks she came to my home 12/21/10 and spent two hours with me and told me 13 things that she was going to do for me; train, setup, cleanup data, reconcile bankstatement for the year of 2010, tax prep for CPA, Profit & Loss report, teach me how to get business off of government bids, etc. I paid her over $1000.00. She cashed the check at my bank the next day.I do not have her address ortag number. She has postponed meetings for weeks and will not return my calls or give me back my papers.

4845 days ago by Woodkat
Has the saem experience...She broadcast faxed an ad to my office to celan up quick books for tax time. Cahrge me $1750 lett my books in shambles and won't return calls. Wish I would have done this search earleir. Stay Far Away. She is a pro alright!
4844 days ago by LMartin
I just had connie Brown out to my office today before I read these posts and cancelled her check...Can someone let me know what she looks like to make sure I had the same one????
4843 days ago by Tillmans Construction
This is a LIE!!! Connie Brown came out to my business last week and done a wonderful cleanup on job! I would recommend her to every business!

Tillmans construction
4843 days ago by Tillmans Construction
Connie Brown has done an Excellant quickbooks cleanup! and she is well worth her money! and thats her business if she wants to cash her check next day!!! She has told me she runs into some companys that she is afraid to do their books because they are doing contract labor when it should be payroll.

Tim- Construction
4843 days ago by Tillmans Construction
I am so greatfull for Connie! She came to our business and our QUICKBOOKS was a mess and she helped us cleanup proper so we could get an accurate P&L. She commented us that we use payroll instead of contract Labor trying to cheat IRS out of money. She said there are alot of business out there that needs to be doing payroll and are not! She is very reputable!

Allstate Collision
4843 days ago by Tillmans Construction
Connie Brown is a very HONEST Person!!! And for anyone to down mouth her is crazy!!! She helped us and still helps us with tech support when we need it! We love Connie and know she is a good Quickbooks Person!!! So all you Bad mouthers out there need to STOP SLANDERING her! She just trys to get you to do right instaed of trying to RIP off the IRS! EMPLOYEE is EMPLOYEE NOT CONTRACT LABOR and this I promise will catch up with all you SLANDERING Business OWNERS.

4843 days ago by Tillmans Construction
We love connie Brown! She helped us cleanup a major mess in QUICKBOOKS! So quit SLANDERING Connie. Usely when people slander they are doing wrong themselfs. We back Connie all the way she is a wonderfull person. Remember what the Bible says no weapon formed against me shall prosper. And Connie is A Christian lady.

4843 days ago by Concerned Citizen
Weird... 5 "people" posted in a 30 min timeframe to defend Connie... On a Saturday...under the same user name... Weird.
4832 days ago by Thrilcker
Same experience, while she did spend time with me and help my books, it certainly wasn't worth the $200/hour I ended up paying her! Wouldn't discuss money before hand, cashed the check in minutes from leaving my offices. Had a few more things to do for me, not much, but continues to make excuses.

It hurts so badly to be scammed in these hard times, I had to take money out of an IRA to recoup the loss and can't afford to put it back in. I expected 250 - 350 total, but certainly not a THOUSAND DOLLARS more than that. She's something...

Heres a pic for those who need verification, what you wanna bet it will be pulled down quickly!?
4830 days ago by Douglas
Wow! Really wished I had checked this out 1st. Hired Connie in April 2011. She spent 1 day getting books started. Promised to come back in 2 days to finish and train. Has cancelled 6 appointments. Won't answer phone or respond to emails. This woman belongs in jail!!!
4827 days ago by Thrilkcer
Douglas, sorry to hear you got taken by her too. I'm still sick over it. What did you end up paying?
4827 days ago by Douglas
Anyone interested in filing a civil suit against Connie, let me know.
4822 days ago by Lovingcreek
I agee with the person that wrote, it is weird that in 30 minutes 5 people posted within the same time frame with the same username. Iif you have seen her business card and noticed that the Bible scripture is incorrect.. Every Christian knows you do not you use dashes - you use colons : for scriptures. You noticed the wonderful remarks only have first names. I am in the process of taking this blonde to court. Does anyone want to join me? Aubrey Glass in Grapevine, Tx.
4818 days ago by Woodkat
Connie Brown came out in April 2011 to help us audit our quickbooks for the upcoming tax year. Ms Brown made several 'corrections' to our books including changing the way our contributions were made to employee SIMPLE IRA plans. 30 minutes after leaving I checked our employee liabilites and found there was now a huge liability for "unpaid" employee IRA contributions. I immediately called her and went straight to voice mail. After several failed attempts over the next week to contact her I tried calling her from a different phone number and she immediately picked up. She then rescheduled to come back on 3 occasions the most recent being today 5/18/11. On each occasion she would call a few minutes before to cancel or simple no show. Last night I confirmed with her and this morning she again no-showed and cannot be reached again.

This isn't an issue of trying to pay employees as contractors or be dishonest with the IRS. This is 100% a problem trying to recieve the service I was promised before she cashed my check: my books fully incomplaince with IRS standards that correctly reflects liabilites.

If she is so great why has it been month as she still won't return to complete the job she has alrady been paid in full for. Why do I have to use different numbers to get her to answer a call. If she is so helpful to you, would you put in a good word for the rest of us so we can get our calls returned.
4817 days ago by Thrilkcer
I'm sorry Woodkat, but after well over a month of her lies and reschedules and false promises I can tell you that you are going to be out of luck. Time to find someone that can fix what she's done, then take her to small claims court and make her pay the bill. Keep all your records of texts/calls etc. and any voicemails you may have. They will come in handy. Good luck!
4814 days ago by Texas Contractors And Business
I heard through the grapevine ?Woodcat... That you were trying to hide things from the IRS and thats why Connie did not want to go back over to your place. Plus she claims you made a sexuall advance ion heard which made it very unconfortable to come back and be alone at your office!!! Connie Has filed a sexuall harrasment report last week. Connie is a wonderful person and has got my books aup to date of coarce I did not ask her to do stuff that was not legal like Woodcat and others on here.
4814 days ago by Texas Contractors And Business
The Board has advised Connie To Report him to the License Department for further investigations! No woman should ever ever have to put up with SEXUALL harrasment from any man. That includes you DR! You could lose your license to PRACTICE if you continue this behavor...Treat woman with respect.!!!
4790 days ago by Stopconniebrown
UPDATE! I was just scammed by Connie Brown as well 6-15-2011. Everything that has been commented on is true. She wouldn't discuss payment until the end. She couldn't spend the appropriate time with me but PROMISED that she would be back the next day. First she said she was sick, then out of town, and now wont return phone calls. She immediately cashed my check as soon as she left. This woman is a true scam artist. THIS WOMAN NEEDS TO BE PUT BEHIND BARS!
4790 days ago by Tillmans Construction
Stop Bad Mouthing Connie Brown ! She is a great person! And she does what she says.
4790 days ago by Avoidbeingdooped
I totally understand that people are blind to their loved ones, or if they condone their ill behavior. She is ill natured and who uses poor excuses to avoid making an honest living. I've just described a woman who would rather spend the time to avoid having to work by making lousy excuses. She would rather spend hours in texting and resetting appointments that will never happen. She will find a way to not have to do it.

If you are a ma and pa operation, watch out! She will try to use your spouse as the excuse not to do the work. She obviously does not have Jesus in her life.

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