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Court Investigator Reports: Victim Brian Suder of Home Rescue Programs wins in Court. All Charges Dismissed against Victim Brian Suder: Read Investig
27th of Apr, 2013 by User984555
All causes of Action in a class action suit against Brian Suder have been dismissed in Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles on October 5, 2011. Case Number: BC446604 Victim, then (Defendant Brian Suder) passionately won Pro-Per against a Beverly Hills law firm. Here is the reason: To start Home Rescue Programs is technically (legally) started by Courtney Nicole Liss and is currently owned by a Courtney NicoleLiss. It has a registered trademark to do Loan Modifications but the “trademark” was eventually abandoned in 2009.
Please review the links below: The report is a bit complicated so we will start with: Who is Courtney Nicole Liss? Courtney Nicole Liss was the former fiancГ© of the true mastermind behind Home Rescue Programs: Brookes Bruno. In 2008, Brookes Bruno methodically placed everything in her name while he financed, built, and ran the entire project. Brookes Bruno is no stranger to controversy. Read Below: In late 2007, Brookes Bruno had just finished his questionable dealings in the infamous Blue Hippo debacle. January 2008, he then created and launched Home Rescue Programs out of Baltimore, Maryland. The address of Home Rescue Programs Headquarters is listed below:
BALTIMORE, MD 21211-2319 Public record proves that Clipper Heights Avenue is the listed address for the trademark for Home Rescue Programs and was the Corporate Headquartersfor Home Rescue Programs. Additionally, this location is Brookes Bruno and Courtney Nicole Liss’ former primary residence. Furthermore, Brookes Bruno concurrently built another loan modification company in 2008 called: Sixon Property Trust Group and placed that company in Courtney Nicole Liss’name as well. Read the drama that unfolded with that company below: The headquarters for Sixon Property Trust is also:
BALTIMORE, MD 21211-2319 Read Below: In early 2008, Brookes Bruno created quite a stir and presence on the East Coast for Home Rescue Programs and Sixon Property Trust bu the needed help getting a West Coast presence. So he enlisted the help of businessman and fellow multi level marketer Steven Duplain to launch Home Rescue Programs/California Branch. Brookes and Steven Duplain had worked together on a few of multi level marketing platforms in the past. Steven Duplain lives and works in Marina Del Rey and had a company that he ran out of a UPS store in Marina DelRey called Freedom Equity Associates located at: 13428 Maxella Ave Ste 326
Marina Del Rey, CA 90292 Steven had run Freedom Equity Associates from this location for 3 years prior to his launch of Home Rescue Programs (California Branch) in 2008. In March 2008, Steven Duplain and Brookes Bruno
launched Home Rescue Programs (California Branch) at Steven Duplain’s Maxella address:
Read Below: Company Name: FREEDOM
EQUITY ASSOCIATES, LLC Status: Active Filing Date: 06/22/2005 Entity Type: Domestic Limited-Liability Company File Number: 200517510252 Filing State: California (CA) Company Age: 7 Years, 10 Months Principal Address: 13428 Maxella Ave Ste 326
Marina Del Rey, CA 90292 Mailing Address: 13428 Maxella Ave Ste 326
Marina Del Rey, CA 90292 Registered Agent: Steven T Duplain 13428 Maxella Ave Ste 326
Marina Del Rey, CA 90292 Freedom Equity Associates Address shown below: Home Rescue Programs Address shown below: Both addresses registered to: Steven T Duplain
13428 Maxella Ave Ste 326
Marina Del Rey, CA 90292 Freedom Equity Associates which is owned and operated by Steven Duplain since 2005 had become the owner of Home Rescue Programs (California Branch) in March of 2008. Read the attachments below: The parent company of Home Rescue Programs (California Branch) is Home Rescue Programs (Maryland) which is listed in Courtney Nicole Liss’ name by fiancé Brookes Bruno. Ultimately Brookes Bruno created, built, and ran all of Home Rescue Programs. So in March 2008, the actual loan modification/loss mitigation industry was in its infancy stage. Veteran Business Owners/Marketers Brookes Bruno and Steven Duplain needed to find a pawn who actually had experience in loss mitigation. They needed to find someone whom they could easily market to the masses (100’s of thousands of Brokers and homeowners Nationwide). They
needed someone who actually had knowledge and the proper credentials in loss mitigation. They searched online until they found the writings of Brian Suder, an employee of a retired HUD (Department of Housing & Urban Development) Commissioner. Brian Suder was simply helping the sick and financially distressed stay in their homes for the retired Commissioner’s small company. Brian Suder was actively writing editorials for various publications and trade magazines about his experiences in the changing climate in the loss mitigation industry. His writings were posted online. Brookes and Steven stumbled upon his work while researching for their new pawn of Home Rescue Programs (The Fall Guy). Brian Suder was living a very humble and simple life in San Diego. His passion in life was simply to
help others. So what was the Loss Mitigation Industry like Pre 2008? HUD often worked hand in hand with Home Retention departments of every major mortgage lender throughout the 90’s and early 2000’s. Mortgage Banks had very small loss mitigation/home retention departments in the 1990’s early 2000’s. The team from HUD and the teams from all major mortgage lenders in the early 2000’s all knew each other (Brian Suder included). They were all true homeowner advocates. Example: All of Bank of America’s loss mitigation team was comprised of 9 people for the entire United States in 2007. By 2010 it grew to tens of thousands. The environment of loss mitigation prior to early 2008 wasvery small and simple. The small team of 9 people at Bank of America was comprised of a compassionate group whom truly cared about the wellbeing of mortgage lien owners who were facing distress in their lives. That team would work with Government entities like HUD to ensure that distressed homeowners were given the right loan terms to fit their individual needs until they got back on their feet. The Set Up Steven Duplain and Brookes Bruno invited Brian Suder to a series of conference calls and a few weeks later offered Brian Suder the job of his lifetime. They offered him the job of CEO of Brookes Bruno’s creation: Home Rescue Programs. (Note: A search of records nationwide has shown that Brian Suder has never owned any company up to this point.) Brian Suder was quite honored and thrilled by Brookes and Steven’s offer and took it. Brian’s job description was quite simple. To do what he loves doing: To continue writing editorials about the changing environment of loan modifications. As Brian continued his work, Brookes Bruno and Steven Duplain marketed Brian’s untarnished name to the masses (100’s of thousands of mortgage
brokers and homeowners nationwide). Brookes Bruno was a marketing veteran and was the marketing mastermind behind Blue Hippo nationwide. Brian was ordered by Stephen Duplain to work from his home in San Diego. Brian Suder was not given access to any bank accounts. Brian would occasionally travel to cities across the country to educate communities about home retention and then was ordered to continue to write editorials from home. In 2009, the loss mitigation/loan modification industry became increasingly regulated. Steven Duplain brought in a broker named Susan Herman. Susan had worked with Steven on
a few real estate deals in the past. In order for Steven to continue operations from his Maxella address, Home Rescue Programs was required to have a real estate brokers license in California. Steven was receiving business from Susan Herman and offered her a money making opportunity. Steven paid Susan Herman to use her license in order to keep California operations compliant. Steven would rarely invite Susan
to come to the office and he fraudulently signed all checks stating his name as the Broker of Record of Home Rescue Programs. As StevenDuplain and BrookesBruno marketed Brian Suder’s name throughout the nation, Brian was eventually invited to Capital Hill to meet with members of Congress and educate them on Home Retention solutions. He met with 27 members of Congress individually for several days on Capital Hill. The Governor of Texas Rick Perry insisted on having lunch with Brian Suder (Rick Perry offered Texas as a possible location for Home Rescue Programs headquarters because of the increased environment of regulations). Brookes declined because he wanted to watch over things from his office and home in Baltimore. Steven continued to run most operations out of his office in Marina Del Rey while Brookes Bruno sat back and collected big checks. In October 2009, a new law, (California Senate Bill 94) made it impossible for the Maryland Corporation to run its operations in California anymore. Brian Suder was officially fired by Steven Duplain and Brookes Bruno. Steven then fired everyone at his Marina Del Rey office. Mr. Duplain then signed over the entire California Corporation to a little known company/non-profit called (V.O.I.C.E.) which stands for VIOLATIONS ON INSTITUTIONAL CORRUPTION & EVASION. VOICE took over all files, operations, and continued to process files for an undetermined amount of time. A signed agreement shows that (VOICE) assumed all liability for Home Rescue Programs/California Branch. Post SB 94 – The aftermath of Home Rescue Programs shutting its doors Approximately 6 months to a year after the closing operations, Victims Courtney Nicole Liss and Brian Suder became targets by 3 state regulators. Brian Suder was marketed as the Face of Brookes’ company Home Rescue Programs and Courtney Nicole Liss was listed on all corporate paperwork. Brian Suder and Courtney Nicole Liss were confused by the mail. State Regulator mail was something new and unfamiliar to both of them. Brookes Bruno, (a Business Veteran), was fully prepared knew exactly what he was doing when he set everyone up. The three regulators that came after Brookes Bruno’s Co-Conspirator Steven Duplain, Victim Brian Suder and Victim Courtney Nicole Liss were the following: 1. Washington State Department of Financial Solutions Home Rescue Programs Headquarters/Maryland and Sixon Property Trust Group were both fined by Washington State. Victim Brian Suder and Victim Courtney Nicole Liss’ names were obvious targets but should be removed soon. 2. California Department of Real Estate Home Rescue Programs was eventually audited by the California Department of Real Estate. Steven
Duplain did not operate the company compliantly and the audit revealed that he embezzled a lot of money from the bank account . Victim Susan Herman lost her license as a result of Steven Duplain’s fraudulent behavior. Read Below: Note: I spoke to Susan Herman at length and she has no animosity towards Victim Courtney Nicole Liss nor Victim Brian Suder and understands that they were equally victimized by Steven Duplain. She has mistakenly written negative remarks about Brian Suder online in the past and takes back every statement. She was unaware at the time that Brian Suder was a victim as she was. 3. Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation Home Rescue Programs Headquarters in Maryland was fined by the state of Maryland: NOTE: Maryland will be changing this report soon to remove the Home Rescue Programs’ employees names Jeff Murcia and Patricia Garcia and Victim Brian Suder. They will continue to keep Steven Duplain’s name on it and may be adding Brookes Bruno to this report (TBD). Potential New Claim: Criminal Authorities are simply looking at one person(criminally) now- Steven Duplain. That is for fraudulently signing Broker of record on all checks. Potential New Claim: Civil Brookes Bruno was quite capable of covering all of his tracks but a very distraught ex fiancé may prove to be troublesome for him in the future. That is to be continued. As expected, when Home Rescue Programs finally closed their doors, Brookes Bruno methodically brook up with Courtney leaving her stuck with the overall trade mark liability. Surprising Court Findings: Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles on October 5, 2011. Case Number : BC446604 Home Rescue Programs actually did process over 2,000 modifications throughout this mess but
any homeowner who did not receive a mod is the First and Utmost Victims. The other casualties of this war were the following: 1. Victim Courtney Nicole Liss. A poor young girl who had her heart shattered
by Brookes Bruno and then left with the Home Rescue mess all in her name. 2. Victim Susan Herman. An untarnished seasoned broker in her 60’s whose licensed was
destroyed by Steven Duplain’s behavior. 3. Victim Brian Suder. A true consumer advocate set up by Brookes Bruno and Steven Duplain as the “Fall’ Guy for their unscrupulous behavior.
4188 days ago by Ccmalls16

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3875 days ago by Hacker_vip10
Yes card for sale working with 99% des DAB (NCR etc...).

1 yescard : 70
5 yescards : 250
10 yescards : 650
100 yescards : 6000

---> CC fullz info, CC DOB...for All !
-------------Selling Cvv (credit card) -------------------------------
*List cc i have and price i have :
==> Us:
- (visa, master) = 3$
- (amex, discover) = 5$
- (bin) = 10$
- (dob) = 15$
- (fullz) = 20$
===> UK:
- (vsa, master) = 6$
- (amex, discover) = 8$
- (bin) = 15$
- (dob) = 20$
- (fullz) = 25$
===> CA:
- (visa, master) = 9$
- (amex, discover) = 10$
- (bin) = 15$
- (dob) = 20$
- (fullz) = 30$
===> AU:
- (visa, master) = 10$
- (amex, discover) = 12$
- (bin) = 17$
- (dob) = 20$
- (fullz) = 30$
- Eu = 20$ / 1
- Italy = 20$ / 1
- Spain = 20$ / 1
- Denmark = 25$ / 1
- Sweden = 20$ / 1
- France = 20$ / 1
- Germany = 20$ / 1
- Ireland = 17$ / 1
- New zeland = 20$ / 1
- Switherland = 20$ / 1
- Slovakia = 20$ / 1
- Netherlands = 15$ / 1
- Mexico = 15$ / 1
- Middle East = 15$ / 1
- Asia = 15$ / 1

Contact me Yahoo ID: hacker_vip10

Email: [email protected]

Skype : bestdealer40

iCQ: 625355075

Gmail: [email protected]

=====================WU TRANSFER========================

Sample : mtcn : 4235691xxx
sender name : kevin rioux
country : france
Amount : 500 euro

========================= Login Bank (all bank )====================

-Balance In Chase : 70K To 155K = 160$
-Balance In Wachovia : 24K To 80K = 80$
-Balance In Boa : 75K To 450K = 300$
-Balance In Credit Union : Any Amount = 300$
-Balance In Hallifax : ANY AMOUNT = 300$
-Balance In Compass : ANY AMOUNT = 300$
-Balance In Wellsfargo : ANY AMOUNT = 300$
-Balance In Barclays : 80K To 100K = 400$
-Balance In Abbey : 82K = 700$
-Balance in Hsbc : 50K = 350$
-And have more Bank account login with more country, If u real want to buy and make bussiness with me let's contact me now .


-Sell Paypal with pass email = 80 $ /paypal
-Sell Paypal don't have pass email = 50 $ /Paypal
-Sell Visa Debit US : 120$
-Sell Paypal Veritified with balance 2000$ = 200$
-Sell Paypal Veritified with balance 8000$ = 500$
-Sell Paypal Veritified with balance 15000$= 1000$

Balance $ 650 (Business +verified+ credit card number available) = price $ 65
Balance $ 1565 (Premier +verified+ credit card number available) = price $ 100
Balance $ 5, 215 (Premier +verified+ credit card number available) = price $ 150
Balance $ 12, 191(personal+verified+ Bank account number available) = price $ 250
Balance $ 13, 650 (personal +verified+ Bank account number available) = price $ 275
Balance $ 14, 909(Business +verified+ credit card number available) = price $ 300
Balance $ 22, 914(Premier +verified+ credit card number available) = price $ 400
Balance $ 27, 310(Premier +verified + Bank account number available) = price $ 50
Balance $ 109, 021(Business +verified + credit card number available) = price $ 5, 000
Everyaccount have email access and All accounts are based on USA address. So you will get one USA socks-5 for free to use the account.

i have this bin 494331 Setefi S.P.A. DEBIT ELECTRON Italy Milano NEW
494330 Setefi S.P.A. DEBIT CLASSIC Italy Milano NEW
493599 Deutsche Bank S.P.A. CREDIT CLASSIC Italy OLD
493598 Deutsche Bank S.P.A. CREDIT CLASSIC Italy Milan NEW
493597 Deutsche Bank S.P.A. CREDIT CLASSIC Italy OLD
493596 Deutsche Bank S.P.A. CREDIT CLASSIC Italy OLD
493595 Deutsche Bank S.P.A. CREDIT CLASSIC Italy OLD
493594 Deutsche Bank S.P.A. DEBIT ELECTRON Italy Milan NEW
493593 Deutsche Bank S.P.A. CREDIT CLASSIC Italy OLD
493592 Deutsche Bank S.P.A. CREDIT CLASSIC Italy OLD
493591 Deutsche Bank S.P.A. DEBIT ELECTRON Italy Milan NEW
493590 Deutsche Bank S.P.A. DEBIT ELECTRON Italy Milan NEW
493589 Deutsche Bank S.P.A. DEBIT BUSINESS Italy Milan NEW
493588 Deutsche Bank S.P.A. CREDIT CLASSIC

=========================LIST FOR SHIPPING STUFF ELECTRONICS========================

* I also use my credit and shipping all stuff electric : laptop, iphone, ipad 2+3, blackberry...

- Ship iphone 4Gs : 180$
- Ship iphone 4G : 150$
- Ship iphone 3Gs : 100$
- Ship ipad2 : 150$
- Ship ipad3 : 200$
- Ship Laptop Vaio : 150$
- Ship Laptop Dell : 150$
- Ship Laptop HP : 180$

- Transit time from 1 to 2 days
- Every 5 hours will send a shipping tracking

=========================ALL FOR MRS=============

-MSR505 / MSR2000 : $ 549
-MSR505 / MSR300* : $ 499
-MSR505 / TA-48 : $ 639
-MSR206 / MSR3000 : $ 729
-MSR206 / MSR300 : $ 549

Best Buy
-MSR206 + 2x MSR400 : $ 900

-MSR206 + 2x MSR500m (Mini123) : $ 875
-MSR206 + 2x TA-32 : $ 990
-MSR206 + 2x CRM42 : $ 869
-MSR206 + 2xCRM41 : $ 929
========================ALL FOR YOU ATM SKYMMER plastic price list==============

-WIncor with keypad 700usd
-ATM Skimmer Wincor Nixdorf : $ 3000
-ATM Skimmer Wincor : $ 3000
-ATM Skimmer Slimm : $ 3000
-ATM Skimmer Slim : $ 3000
-ATM Skimmer NCR : $ 3000
-ATM Skimmer Diebold Opteva : $ 2500
-ATM Skimmer Diebold : $ 2000
-ATM Skimmer Universal : $ 4000
-ATM Skimmer Small : $ 2500
-Chip POS ingenico&amigo : $ 1500.

=============================== DUMPs PRICES =======================

- Card Dumps From Usa : ( 101 )

Visa Classic, Master Card Standart : $60 / 1 piece
Visa, Amex, Disco, Master Gold / Platinum : $70 / 1 piece
Business, Cooperation : $80 / 1 piece
Discover, Amex, Debit card : $80 / 1 piece
American Express : $90 / 1 piece

- Card Dumps From Uk : ( 101 ) ( 201 )

Visa / Master Standart : $75 / 1 piece
Visa / Master / Amex / Discover Gold, Platinum : $80 / 1 piece
Business / Signature / Purchase / Cooprate / Word : $110 / 1 piece

- Card Dumps From Canada : ( 101 ) ( 201 )

Visa / Master Classic + Standart : $70 / 1 piece
Visa / Master / Amex / Discover Gold + Platinum : $80 / 1piece
Business / Signature / Purchase / Cooprate / Word : $110 / 1piece

- Card Dumps From Au & Eu : ( 101 ) ( 201 )

Visa / Master Classic + Standart : $80 / 1 piece
Visa / Master / Amex / Discover Gold + Platinum : $90 / 1piece
Business / Signature / Purchase / Cooprate / Word : $120 / 1 piece

-Contact me as soon as.
>all with good balance

Sample Dump + Pin:

Contact me Yahoo ID: hacker_vip10

Email: [email protected]

Skype : bestdealer40

iCQ: 625355075

Gmail: [email protected]
2268 days ago by Strike56
2268 days ago by Strike56

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