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Dr J Junig Fond de lac Psychiatry Dr J Junig J Junig, uses forums to steer & manipualte drug addicts into his private practice by encouraging use of o
10th of Feb, 2013 by User425375
Dr Junig, was a anesthesiologist, who stole drugs from his patients, to further his drug addiction.
He was caught out, and had his licence torn away, and then began, a career, as a drug councillor, via a psychiatric licence, despite, the obvious alarm bells,. Unfortunately, I have now, had my experience, like many other have with this rogue Dr. His words, and demeanor are nasty, viscous, and narcissistic. Which should have no place in psychiatry. His latest venture, is to run a completely biased forum, to further line his pocket, along with selling tapes, to people, to make a profit, of poor drug addicts. I joined his forum, to work through my own addiction, and have successfully quit opiates, after a 5 year bupe addiction. It is now my firm belief, that this Man is out of control, and probably needs to be put in front of the Law, again, and have his intentions questioned. I believe, after spending 2 months on his forum, that his sole intention, is to drum up addicts, that cannot quit, and move them into a paying roll as one of his customers, of tapes, and other BS , this guy sells, under the guise of wanting to help people. Do we really want a ex -junkie, who stole meds from his patients, telling people that there is little chance of beating opiates, without his help? He does not seem to be interested in people who can get themsleves off opiates, but rather, is using the forum, as a way to steer more customers into his pratice. if this is not enough, he is also flooding his forum, with so many adds, with also line his pocket. Is it ethical for a doctor to make money of drug addicts, I do not think so. I have read hundreds of his posts, and he just seems, like a nasty old man, Who has an agenda, a mile long. What is also worse, is that he has total control, over a public forum, and just erases people, that he feels, are letting people, know, the breadth, of his actions,. He should pay his moderators money, for running his forum, and should most probably, get out of the field of drug addiction. His over ruling view point, is that 9 out of 10 addicts fail, unless, you acquire his help. Seems just a bit too dodgy for me.
I was ditched from the forum, without warning, and have had no choice but to come here.
I will contact the American board of psychiatry, and also let them know, what is happening, but i suggest all people, wanting to rid themselves, of bupe, stay away from Dr J lunig. You have to ask yourself, if he was prepared to steal drugs from his patients to support his habit, what else is this guy capable of., He is a nasty man, with a foul temper, and little ability to act in a responsible way,. As you will read from his many responces, to such complaints.

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