Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
Energy Plus
Energy Plus Energy Plus Electric Prices exorbantantly high -- they are preying on consumers Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
16th of Sep, 2011 by User634384
My complaint is the same as others I have come across. ENERGY PLUS IS GOUGING ITS CUSTOMERS WITH OUTRAGEOUSLY HIGH ELECTRIC SUPPLY PRICES! I have a very small, two-room apartment with a one-year old+ energy saver refrigerator, an air conditioner that I run as conservatively as possible, a flat screen TV and a laptop. That's it -- no other major appliances or electricity consuming devices. Fluorescent energy saving bulbs are also installed in the kitchen and bathroom fictures and my electric bill is consistently through the roof! It seems clear to me that Energy Plus is counting on its customers to accept the fact that their prices are fair because oil and gasoline prices are up so, therefore, we should expect and get used to paying whatever they charge. But when my bill went over two hundred dollars for 29 days, it finally got me to compare their prices with other ESCOs. Right now, Energy plus is charging 22.875 cents per kilowatt hour! This is DOUBLE the price of the ESCO I have selected to replace Energy Plus. Also, when I signed up, they promised no local sales taxes would appear on my bill, but that was just a ploy. I am regularly charged 4.5% sales tax on their electric supply. People should not be fooled either by the offer of frequent flyer miles --they're not worth the huge overcharges Energy Plus is collecting when compared to other providers in the same area. (NYC) GET AWAY AND TAY AWAY FROM ENERGY PLUS!

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