Back in March 2010, I was sold a package by the Forever Young sales associate for a price of about $5,000. I went to Forever Young to see if they could help with the dark circles around my eyes. The sales associate sold me a package consisting of chemical peels, microdermabrasion, accent, and SR treatments.
Inmy SR treatments, I spoke to the laser specialist about the procedure, whatIexpected,and what I would expect after. She disclosed to me that the SR treatments on my face WOULD NOT do anything for the dark circles around my eyes - since they can not laser skin tissue that is not over bone.
During the three SR treatments, 4 accent treatments, and one of the chemical peels, I have been BURNED!! I was burned twice during the accent procedure- second degree burns- bad enough where I had large blisters. As I was TIRED of being burned with their lasers and the radio wave machine (used for the accent treatments), I opted that I would only use the chemical peels and micros from my package- and write off the loss of the package as a 'learning' experience. The last chemical peel I had was just about a week ago, which was followed with 30 minutes under their 'panel' (through instruction of the sales associate), and it burned my face - which was bloody-red for over4 days! My face hurt, and I was physicallymortified!
I chose this company as their prices appeared to be for the common person- with discounts and their payment plan options. I WAS MISTAKEN! I have scars due to their specialists burning me, have spent several days hidden away at home with a burnt face, and I have wasted my money for false hope. Through all this, I STILL HAVE the dark circles around my eyes, and I'm $5,000 lighter in the wallet!
This only comments on the permanent physical aspects of their incompetence. At Forever Young, your phone calls will never be answered in under 5 minutes, they continuesly call to reschedule your appointment since the 'machines are broken' (when I was in their office for the last time, they told me that the different locations 'share' the machines- so when the machines are 'broken' they are actually at a different location), or their deceptive sales techniques.
One other thing- you can cancel your contractwithin 3 days after you sign up; HOWEVER, whichI find ironic,they can't scheduleyour first appointmentuntil 2 weeks out-- way after the allottedtime to cancel.