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Kawthar Moussaoui
Kawthar Moussaoui a decent person
25th of Sep, 2012 by ned p.
a good person
4410 days ago by IamMuslin
Just another muslim MOTHERFUCKER. Sorry, mohammed ran out of virgins a long time ago!
4404 days ago by Deborahwatson65
Although I am a mere onlooker, I still didn't understand what did this family personally do to you that got you so mad at them and started writing daily if not hourly reports against them? There are a lot of bad people in the world but why this person you are specifically targeting?
4403 days ago by Deborahwatson65
Oh!! If this family hates the Jews and has committed crimes against them (as you say), why on earth are they living in America? Might as well go back to where they come from!
The funny thing is when you mentioned of her 'volunteering' in a hospital in order to assault others! Quiet a new concept for volunteerism lol..
But you see DawnDawn, when someone is in that young age (15 years), and I am talking here about the daughter, you may want to be a 'bit forgiving'.. this is a foolish age.. when kids blindly follow their families direction.. wait until she reaches 20 or so.. gets into a college far from her family's control... and mingles with free-minded people.. you never know... she may change and become a tolerant human being.. I know a lot of people who were kinda fanatics when they were kids/teenagers but totally changed as they grew up and started understanding life.. you see, if we continue smearing her name, this will discourage her from becoming a better person since she's already becoming known to be a racist so she'd go 'oh whatever' and sticks t it.. it may make her even more racist and we will miss the chance to have a young citizen in our society go in the right direction because of our tough and unforgiving stances against her.. I am with you on the family - if what you said is true - that they are crazy but I would ask to probably drop her out in your future reports... i mean where are her school teachers? Is there someone sane and wise who can help her see things from a broader/diverse perspective??
4403 days ago by Deborahwatson65
Death threats is completely unacceptable.. I ask again how is this guy living where he's living in now without being charged or no felony?
As to his daily vows to God, we can't judge him on this because his relationship with G-d is personal/private and he can pray whatever he wants as long as he doesn't spit it out to others to hurt them or materialize these thoughts into actions..

This case is not only with Muslims but with almost every other religion I have learned of. I have never seen a religious person who is unbiased.. and that's because every religion tells its followers that it is the right religion and other religions are wrong.. and that its G-d is the real G-d while other religions follow false G-ds.. and this is where conflict happens and interfaith dialogue disappears and we end up in an everlasting war.. if not war of nations, it is war of thoughts... We do this because this is the way we were raised and brought up.. Yet in a free country like the US, it is sad to see that people are still embracing their religions even when they know their religions sometimes are anti-human and (with all due respect) makes no sense!
4402 days ago by Deborahwatson65
I can judge from the manner of your writing that you are a rational person as opposed to others who use filthy words in their reports against their opponents. Yes this is confusing me and any one reading these reports.
If only there was a magical way to remove Scaminformer from the face of the internet.. so many innocent people are loosing their reputation on this fake service
4402 days ago by Nattyy
Actually, we happen to know Kawthar Moussaoui and she is indeed a malicious, violent individual.
Kawthar Moussaoui is a violent soociopath. Kawthar Moussaoui IS all things bad posted about her. She has no conscience and never feels remorse.
We have worked with her when she volunteered in one of those hospitals last year and she, Kawthar Moussaoui, committed assault against an older Christian woman.
A "letter from Obama?"
Indeed, my son and his classmate received the exact same letter a couple years ago---those are form-letters and rubber stamped and given out by a sub-committee that has nothing to do with approval form or even knowledge of the President.
Kawthar Moussaoui is every bit as viciously racist as said. And she is not merely a "young kid" who does not know any better.
She has many times verbally expressed her hatred for for the Jewish and Christian faith, for Africans, and yes, for Americans. Her parents are master manipulators of other people and her mother, Roba Moussaoui runs a prostitution ring. Nobody can justify their misdeeds and ruinous actions against others.
As for "Melissawitherspoon" whom has written a so-called and phony glowing review: "Melissawitherspoon" IS kawthar Moussaoui and her father and mother posing as another user.
Come on...get real.
4402 days ago by Nattyy
As for her father's expressed bad wishes?
Absolutely, he has expressed them verbally.
As for his character?
He, a "MUSLIM" whom claims to be of "Allah, " has lied to and hurt another woman, claimed that he wanted another child, gotten her pregnant, and then willingly abandoned her with NO help, NO support, NO medical care, NOTHING.
Is this a real man? Let alone a "man of Allah?"
He abandoned her to go begging back to his ex wife( whom actually cheated on him while they were married and who, every few months, sues him for increased spousal support and anything else she can come up with). Intriuguing, how he willingly left someone who was so good to him and stuck with him through the worst of times and never asked for a single thing in return, accept love and respect(which he refused to give her) and begs his ex wife (who would sooner spit on him and has already taken everything and more from him).
Yeah, that's how people are.
But in the long run, those types of people must answer to a higher source.
On top of that, here we have some schmuck by the username of Deborahwatson, who must be one down person with no life, to constantly be sticking two-cents worth in all of this, hoping for a little piece of the action.
Sue? This is a sue-nation. The second that people hear or see something, anything they don't like, they think they can sue or go to authoritees. wrong. This is not only NOT a criminal matter, is also NOT a matter of anything that would ever qualify for a suit.
This Moussaoui family of asses can go pay for and hire lawyers and spin their wheels all they want. But they'll get nowhere. Any lawyer will be willing to take and keep taking their money and make false promises, and then in the end deliver NOTHING. Ha ha.
Then what? Are they going to sue US, too?
There are a lot of us.
What father Moussaoui should really be worried about is a paternity suit. That, and explaining to his "Allah, " why he lied to, manipulated, abandoned a pregnant woman. Yeah, the same "Allah" that he freely "prays" for bad things to happen to other people.
But I, personally, have read previous posts, and I agree that there's no "Allah, "( at least not one that actually grants the sick wishes of an ass). But I do agree that there is G-d, and G-d protects those who have been wronged.

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