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Keith Friberg
Keith Friberg Nrgize Smoothie Cafe Keith Friberg Causes Japan Nuclear Crisis!!! Wellington , Florida
12th of Apr, 2011 by User793532
About a month ago, I had finished my workout at L.A. Fitness and proceeded up to buy a smoothie at Keith Friberg's famous Nrgize Cafe. I have to say, as expensive as they are, Keith's smoothies are so delicious I still buy them at least four to five times a week. When I got to the counter, I was surprised to see Keith in a rather good mood. He actually acknowledged my presence by nodding! "Oh hi Johnny, I didn't realize it was you", he said. "You're my best customer". Not one time in the past 5 years of me buying smoothies from him has he ever once said hello to me. He started making me a smoothie, making sure he pointed out the "donation" jars left on his smoothie stand for "Japan Tsunami Relief Fund". Looking at the donations, I couldn't believe how much money was donated! I saw piles of hundred-dollar bills, checks written for a thousand dollars, fifties, twenties, you name it! There had to be over a hundred grand just dispersed throughout his countertop. I, too, donated a hundred bucks and tossed it in the jar. Keith acknowledged my hundred-dollar donation, smiled, shook my hand, and told me "God Bless". He also gave me a signed autograph of himself standing next to Warren Moon. Little did I know that this guy was NOT going to donate this money to Japan... The following days after the tsunami had hit, of course the problem with nuclear reactors had ensued throughout Japan. Mass hysteria had overwhelmed the great Japanese people. The tsunami was initially blamed for the leaked nuclear chemicals, however, the real truth remains a mystery to the public... About a week after the nuclear power plants erupted, I went in again to L.A. Fitness to get a good workout and have another awesome smoothie. I noticed that no one was behind the counter working when I went to get a smoothie, so I thought I'd use the restroom real quick before I bought a smoothie. As I walked into the restroom, I could hear a man hysterically laughing. "HAHAHAHAHAHA!", I kept hearing over and over with quiet whispering in between. Curious at was was being said, I quietly sneaked over to the stall in which I heard the loud, obnoxious laughter. There was a man on his cell phone in the stall sitting on the pot having somewhat of a hilarious conversation I assumed. After listening to the conversation in full,
what I heard sent my jaw to the floor... "I ripped all those people off and I loved every bit of it!", the man said, happy as could be. "HAHAHAHAHA!" the laughter presumed after every sentence. I heard the man then say "I caused those nuclear reactors to go off, and no one knows it! They blame the stupid tsunami! Those dumb Japanese idiots! HAHAHAHAHA!" I could not believe what I was hearing. The man in the stall was taking full credit of the catastrophic events of Japan. "What kind of sick human being is this?", I thought to myself. "No one will ever know! I love it!", the man said, continuously laughing hysterically. He then complimented the other person on the phone saying "You really got great pictures of me destroying the nuclear power plants, buddy. Great job!" The man finally hung up, and immediately ripped open the stall door, revealing me with my ear right up next to it. I could not believe who was standing in the stall when that door swung open. The man was none other than Keith Friberg! Noticing me pressed up against the door listening to his conversation as he swung open the door, Keith immediately became enraged! He looked me straight in the eye, and his smile turned to an immediate aggresive rage! His face turned bright red within two seconds, steam flew from his ears, as he viciously grabbed a hold of my shirt collar with both hands, lifted me a full foot off the ground, and slammed me against the wall, holding me pressed there a full foot in the air! "WHAT DID YOU HEAR?!", he screamed at the top of his lungs. Before I could even answer, he screamed even louder! By this time, he had me a full foot and a half off the ground, held by the choking grasp of his humongous bear claws! He was squeezing my neck so tight, I couldn't breathe nor talk. The last thing he said to me was "If I find out you have said anything to anyone, it's over for you. Just try me, little man." He then spit in my face and slapped me. Then, seconds before I passed out, he released me, dropping me to the floor like a stuffed animal. He then looked down at me as I laid there trying to regain full consciousness, and he said "I rule the world!" Keith Friberg then stormed out of the bathroom to return to his smoothie counter. After a few minutes, I got up, not believing what had just happened. I looked over in the stall Keith was in, only to find he had not flushed the toilet, and I saw a large orange envelope laying on the ground where Keith's feet were. I quickly scurried over to investigate what was in the envelope. Shockingly, I discovered Keith was not lying about his involvement with the nuclear reactors in Japan. Enclosed in the envelope was about a dozen 8 x 10 high-definition photographs of Keith physically destroying the nuclear reactors! I could not believe my eyes! There was a photo of Keith hacking away at a huge mechanical sealing cap off the top of the nuclear reactor with a giant axe, another photo of Keith climbing the reactor, leaving gaping holes in the sides with an ice pick! Another shocking photo revealed Keith pouring a huge batch of toxic wastes down a tube leading to nuclear chemicals. He even had a picture of himself spray-painting a huge sign on the side of one reactor that said "Japan Sucks". The last picture I saw was of him burning a Japanese
flag, cheering, and holding two thumbs up. "What a disgusting thing to do", I thought. My first instincts were to go to the police, however I was reminded of what Keith warned me. He meant business. So, I figured I'd let everyone on ripoff report know what happened. Keith accepted "donations" from everyone who came in to the smoothie counter, making them believe that they were going to be donated to the "Japan Disaster Relief Fund". Instead, Keith took that money and paid for his trip to Japan, food and travel expenses, tipping off of security and police to allow him to climb the nuclear reactors, and lastly his camera man to take and produce these photos. I now have these photos, which will be kept in a safe at my home. Do not trust this man, Keith Friberg. He has several gimmicks like this to have people give him money. Stay far away from him!

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