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Lic. Rebeca Valle
3rd of Jun, 2011 by User766713
Try a new browser with automatic translation.Download Google Chrome Among the unlawful acts being investigated by the Law Firm, researchers from different departments emphasize the acquisition of illegally obtained property, to receivelarge sums of money in exchange for not reporting the earnings to the Treasury and Public Credit and failing to report income received in cash, in addition to providing confidential and secret information the prosecutor referring to certain investigations to other law criminal lawyers who litigate tax matters and penalties against customers also include Crimes Tax Evasion, Financial Crimes and Crimes against the Administration of JusticeState, respectively.They are also under investigation for inflating the price of property for the purpose of defrauding innocent purchasers and banks to illicitly enrich them through apparently legal maneuvers using contracts and fraudulent documents thereby extorting buyers. Abuse of Power and organized crime.Furthermore, the Office of Special Investigations and Federal Crimes Attorney Regional Control, Criminal Procedure and Amparo indicate that criminal investigations specifically include the degree Rebeca Hernndez Valle, in corporate, which also works under the name of Corporate Law Firm Associates RVD , [email protected]. Extension located in Paseo de los Hroes No. 12960, Col. November 20, Tijuana, BC. Mexico. 22100. Tel: (664) 622-3966, by fraudulent purchase of property and specifically the enrichment and the acquisition of personal property for them to make their money laundering, the illegal purchase of the house in which resides where the prosecution has found evidence that the house was purchased by Mrs. Rebeca Hernndez Valle directly from the drug dealer located in El Chapo Guzman Campestres Calle Lomas No. 1410, Colonia Racetrack in Tijuana. Tel (664) 900-3166Licensee David Mendivil Gonzalez, director of the Recovery and Collection Company Del Norte, SA Ltd., is also being investigated for abuse of authority and administrative powers and other behaviors such as that of aiding and abetting the illegal activities of attorney Rebecca graduated Valle Hernndez, the sources of information.Senior government officials and communication officers from other government organizations ensured that the unit is unable to confirm or deny the existence of investigations against the law here referred to by the acts. Officials who had access to some of the steps, and who requested anonymity, indicated that the investigation against Valle Rebeca Hernndez and Mr. David Mendivil Gonzalez started automatically, after several complaints were filed.Attorney added that the very charge of investigating the Lic.Rebeca Valle Hernndez and Mr. David Mendivil Gonzalez also opened a detailed affidavit to investigate other possible illegal acts committed by both attorneys in coordination with government officials. The investigation was extended to Mexico City instead of operating the company they represent and constantly change of name to evade taxes, remain the same money launderers hide under different company name with one goal ... to defraud. Tijuana, Baja California. Mexico.
4746 days ago by Barbara Mendez
Estoy convencida que esto es obra de la Lic. Rebeca Valle Hernandez por que su caracter y forma de hacer negocio no es con le etica requerica, pero si me consta que el Lic. david Mendil Gonzalez, es honesto hace las cosas bien hecha y no tiene necesidad de lastimar a nadie en un operacion por que perderia mas el con eso que los beneficios que recibe.
4746 days ago by Barbara Mendez
Yo tambien conozco a David Mendivil Gonzales y las cosas no son como las estan planteando hay que investigar como fue la operacion por que a mi me consta que esta Lic. hace cosas que no tienen fundamento, como es vender una casa con Recuperacion y Cobranza del Norte, entregarla con recuperacion y cobranza del Norte y con el dienro del cliente ir a Bancomer darle la vuelta a Recuperacion y Cobranza del Norte y comprarla ella con el dienro del cliente y luego querer quitarle la casa al cliente por que es de ella, eso es fregdera eso es traicion, falta de etica, tener escrupulos e involucrar al Lic. David Mendivil Hernandez
4746 days ago by Barbara Mendez
solicito que quiten el nombre de David Mendivil Gonzales de estos asunto y que verifiquen e investiguen a la otra persona por favor
4746 days ago by Barbara Mendez
Lo que deberian hacer es ver el enriquecimiento ilicito que tiene esta señora y ver en donde esta todo el dinero que esta ganando y no reporta a hacienda y comprobar que ella es la estafadora y se escuda y aprovecha el nombre del Lic. Mendivil aprovechando su ausencia para hacer todos sus fraudes. Pero una buena auditoria y que declare como gana el dinero es lo que necesita.
4714 days ago by Matf
Quiciera comunicarme con alguien o con la persona k puso el comentario ya k yo me encuentro en esta cituacion con estas personas mi numero es 6642962301

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