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OneUp Liberator Louise Friedman Sexist,hostile,inept,dishonest atlantat, Georgia
8th of Apr, 2013 by User513761
Truthfully,my hats off to "Friedup" and others here on this site.You captured the place perfectly. Be assured just because those negative reviews are a couple years old they do not lack in insight and accuracy today.Here I add my voice the chorus to say they speak the truth.After (regretfully) WAAAY too many years lost to this nightmare work place I feel an obligation to warn others.You WILL be lied to before you are even hired.This includes the state of the company (ALWAYS hanging by a thread),your job (It could change at any time regardless of your actual skill set),your duties (nobody has thought that far ahead),and your title.(Fear not,your title will change every time push comes to shove for a raise.It's intended to make you feel important without paying you a cent more for years on end.) There is no management system.If you are ever awarded a management title It is meaningless.I trained COUNTLESS "managers" who were supposedly going to be over me.Nobody has the right to fire or hire except for Louis.You are called a "manager" so that you can be forced to work hours you didn't agree to and will not be compensated for.Also,when things are done that cripple your department that you had no say in,it will be used against you.This includes but does not limit you to things like "YOU'RE THE MANAGER!THIS IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY".I saw this happen a dozen times and protected myself from it by refusing EVERY promotion I was offered including "manager" of my department.I worked hard,got my check and went home. Even though Louis CAN fire people he cannot fire everyone.In times of financial desperation he has borrowed large amounts of money from people.As part of that agreement he gave them "management" positions with high salaries.His CTO and CFO included.The completely useless,frequently drunk,long lunching,sexually harassing,porn watching previous CTO lasted for years.How?By hiring people to work under him for FAR less pay to do EVERYTHING his job included.Much hated,the CTO used what little time he was sober and in the office to block people from looking up a lunch menu so they could have food delivered while they WORKED THROUGH LUNCH.While Louis and his mousy accountant wife thought this was absurd they literally had NO POWER to require anything of him.He was eventually ASKED to stop being so visibly drunk on the job.Stunningly,this money draining,unqualified,inappropriate employee was never fired but simply chose to leave.I cannot tell you the dozens of hard working,minimum wage receiving employees that were let go in an effort to "cut costs" while this bozo kept his six figure salary.It should also be noted that with every firing of much needed staff, that persons work load went to another worker who would never see an additional penny for having his or her work load doubled. Sharing the spot light with the CTO is another six figure salary sucker so untalented he doesn't even have a title.We shall call him "MK".Due to the money he loaned Louis he has been handed and removed from many,many titles.He was so hated by employees that eventually he was sent "on the road" to "help" raise funds from more investors.He travels first class,brings his wife for company,eat's at 5 star restaurants and bills it all to the company.Yes,the same company that weekly let's go of minimum wage essential employees because of cost.Louis HATES MK.Since the guy bought his way in,Louis can "do nothing about him." When this MK is in town he and Louis indulge in domestic assault style screaming matches,name calling and door slamming until Louis's down trodden wife tries to step in to deescalate things.She likes to believe that employees are unaware of what is happening.Occasionally Louis and MK will bond over insulting,blaming or sexually harassing employees.It's the one thing they agree on.While MK just lacks social skills and business knowledge of the most basic level,it is widely believed that Louis has Aspergers Syndrome.Some employees have even studied Aspergers in an attempt to improve dealings with him.Louis has a hard working son with Aspergers so I believe there is truth there. That being said,I DO NOT believe a diagnosis of Aspergers is a total explanation for Louis's behavior.Sexual harassment?Absolutely.Inappropriate? Ego-maniacal?Unprofessional?A thief? YOU BET.Oh the thief part?If it wasn't his idea.He actually used to brag to newcomers about how he took ideas from other people,employees and companies.I think CFO boy pointed out that it wasn't the best idea to advertise that so he stopped.Lawsuits (sexual harassment and copyright) swarm on this guy like moths to a flame.Lawyers are a BIG part of why worker salaries stay so low and raises are rare.The IRS sweeps in annually trying in vain to catch what's being hidden from them.'Tis that season when you find CFO boy literally sweating as he pours papers into a shredder.Louis and that company have nine lives.I have seen them use up at least six.With Louis's health failing I can only imagine he/they have many left. Here is the deal.I have long since healed from this place.I have no need to tell my story.I wasn't fired.I gave notice and I peacefully quit.I have a great job now.This isn't bitter recourse.The truth is the place sucks you in.You start believing that the way you are being treated is justified.It tears you down.If you start up with them you will loose your dreams,time,faith in people and a big part of yourself.You are in for it even worse if you are good at what you do and you CARE.Don't let ANYONE there convince you that your hard work will create change.IT"S A TRAP.You will be used up and discarded.I watched it happen to people smarter and more talented than me.I saw a few people escape and go onto great things.That inspired me to get out.I have never for a moment regretted t.

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