Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
Precise Leads Lead company Internet
5th of Mar, 2013 by User346035
Precise Leads does not provide quality leads. I am paying 12.00 a lead and they send me leads that do not fit my criteria. I have purchased about 30+ leads and only found one person interested in the product I am offering. Most people did not fill out the information and have no interest. They were good for awhile about giving credit back on the leads but I have had a few denied for no explanation and no one to contact. Previous issues I have had to take time out of my day to call and fight about. For the cost and lead quality I would not recommend anyone purchase leads from here. I started with another lead company at 11.00 a lead and the first one I closed. I actually receive responses from those. My rep is no longer with the company and the account manager is not there either. I finally wised up and have them stop the automatic pull of month so I can finally stop wasting money. Once the money is pullled there is no refund. Leads are not worth the money and the ways they are generating the leads people do not have in interest stated on the lead. Beware before you sign up with this company and give your account information.

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