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Robert Tammy Flores Triumph Recovery, Lighthouse Outreach, Triumph Church, Changes names to avoid being caught Robert & Tammy Flores Of Lawrenceburg
15th of Nov, 2011 by User273817
I have composed even more evidence that Robert and Tammy Flores are cons, and if you don't know that by now than I feel sorry for you. I am working with 2 reporters one writes for a newspaper the other television news. This needs to get out there, there is already an article about one of the many scams from 2003, and that means I am not the only one who knows or can see they are frauds. After writing a blog I was asked to help several people who were scammed by this couple and that is what I'm doing even if I have to use my own resources and time because this is not right and they need to be stopped. They are moving and changing their church and halfway house scams so much recently that I am having trouble keeping up with it but I will post updates as soon as I find anything that can be confirmed. So far Robert and Tammy Flores has had over 5 halfway houses, some burned down, some were owned by others who The Flores's wouldn't pay or ran out on the leases, and so on, they are constantly changing their venues but not their same cons. They open these halfway houses, and ask the communities to help fund them, all while asking the members who come to the houses to seek help to also pay a monthly fee, and if they can't then they are not accepted. Robert doesn't check on these house as much as he should, leaving these men and women to run wild,they need order which Robert could care less, as long as their rent is being paid he doesn't care. He doesn't have a job so he spends his day spending dirty money and laughing at those who fall for his scams. Robert and Tammy are recently scamming the elderly, which is how I got involved. I informed others of their scams and received several emails asking for my help, from loved ones of those the Flores scammed. I checked each request and they are all telling the truth. Robert and Tammy took advantage of people and this needs to stop and he needs to pay for what he has done. Please read this article, you will see I am not the only one who feels this way, google Robert or Tammy Flores Lawrenceburg TN. Tammy is just as bad, she filed for bankruptcy about 8 years ago, which can happen, but when her credit was a little better she went out getting as many credit cards and loans she could and filed bankruptcy again. This is theft knowing you are borrowing money you can't and have no intention of paying back, that is in no way how God would want us to live and they claim they are doing God's work, it is just a ploy. I have the credit report and tax records to prove it. Tammy claims several of her sister's children on her taxes when none of them have stayed with her for more than a few weeks let alone a year. Her sister is in a bad spot in her life and Tammy knows that so she offers her a little money and then takes advantage of her own sister. Tammy and Robert don't even file their taxes together, because Robert owes so much in back child support that she doesn't want to loose out on a penny, sad and sick. Yes Robert doesn't take care of his real children he made, sure he takes other people's kids on vacations, but has yet to spend more that a few days with his own children. His grown children have nothing nice to say about him, putting it lightly. Also if you look at marriage records and this news paper article about Robert and Tammy, he says he met his now Wife in 1998 well she wasn't even divorced when they began dating, there are many who would testify to this. But the point is these people are full of lies, it may look great on the outside. A nice home (which they do not own, the one house, well trailer they did own was repossessed, the church owns it), nice car and a lot of stuff (they are always getting their cars repossessed, they take out credit cards to buy TV's and other things knowing they are not going to pay. They look happy and they do good for others ( They are selfish and pray on the weak) Robert and Tammy are making money off others pain and to me that is wrong, and if you can't see what they are doing then God Bless You. Link to news paper article,107087?content_source=archive&category_id=&search_filter=outreach+&event_mode=&event_ts_from=&list_type=&order_by=&order_sort=&content_class=&sub_type=stories&town_id=

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