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Domino's Pizza/Kat-Lin Inc
Domino's Pizza/Kat-Lin Inc. Brenda Bowels, GM Kathy, Claudia ,owners, They descriminate, allow mice, roaches drugs & alcohol at workplace, hires fel
3rd of Apr, 2011 by User759134
Domino's in Midwest City Oklahoma is one of the worst places to work for and have the most contaminated food that makes you sick everytime you eat it. They discriminate their customers and employees by only hiring certain types of people and keeping certian types of people and allow them to work there while they play along with the whole corrupt buiness dealings and commit so many violations of the law and codes of conduct and not to mention employee laws that have to do with pay, breaks, sexual harrassment and discrimination in the workplace, allow drugs and alcohol in the workplace etc they allow infestations ofmice and roaches. An incident kept happening so 8 mths ago an employee had to quit due to the rights being violated and his morals and reputation were being jeapordised so that the only option was to quit. This employee has 1st hand accounts of the above claims and was asked by the owners and management to let things go each time the violations and misconducted was reported. In doing so the employee was allowed un-employment under the Oklahoma Law but after the owners and mangement came up with lies to hide behind, un-employment was later denied. They do what ever it takes to deny you any un-employment and now that their store's secret's have been disclosed their employees harrass people with bad opinions of their store by stalking online comments or post and e-mailing or texting when they are brought up. Here is a little exerpt from an e-mail recently by Brenda Bowels (or Bowles) the G.M. who is the reason for MANY employees quital of her company to prove her bad business dealings clearly:
(facebook)Brenda Bowles April 4, 2011 3:38A.M. report
"It's too bad you have to bring up crap that happend a year ago! YOU are just a SORE LOOSER because you COULDN'T collect un-employment, WE fought it and WON! We haven't ever had to pay un-emplyment, NOPE NOT ONCE! You know why? I'm smarter than you think and I knew exactly what to say (he didn't ask for a transfer) even though he did, but guess what, he didn't put it in writing and the Un-employment commission is'nt smart enough to ask for further proof. I could have let him receive un-employment becasue he was in the right and truly deserved it but since YOU tried to call TOW TRUCKS, post BOGUS ad's on Craigslist, phony pic's of pizza that Alicia Montgomery DIDN"T throw at why I wasn't going to let him get away with mature is that?? I know what goes on in my store at Domino's, that is why I fired Ladonna Shieke for being drunk at Domino's...I know her daughters threatened to slash your tires and probably did...I know they steal food from here but you know what....they work and are too dumb to do anything else but work and work and work but she's gone now and all of account's you have about my delivery driver driving under the infuence of painpills and alcohol or money being un accounted for you have no proof on...try to take me to court...send them over to find mice and roaches...there is no proof until you find it, there is no truth unless you get me under oath in court and YOU couldn't even do that." This is what is said anytime that scum of a store Domino's, hears about the truth being told. Truth be told, if you read what Brenda stated, not only are they violating my right to freedom of speech, you can tell by the way she reponses to the truth that some of it has to be true or there would be nothing to say. Domino's in Midwest City is operating right next to a filthy housefull of people who live with roaches and mice that crawl over to the Domino's store and get in to crawl all over the boxes, counter's, etc and that is why the years and years of eating & working there,my family and their employees were always sick but now that there is no more dealings from my family with that store, we haven't been sick once in the last 8 months,since it has been 8 mths and NOT a year like she states since they obviously have NO education. I've SEEN with my own eyes, MICE in the places where they store crap like brooms and mops YUCK! To This day there is no pest control in that store. Truth be told, employees NEVER are seen washing their hands every time they touch money, touch their noses or mouth to eat pizza while they are making it, they just go right back into the food they are selling. Remember the controversy last year about the employees taking a bath in the sink???? That is how Dominos is ran all over. There are so many cracked out people who work there that there are a handful of cases where police have arrested employees who have kept customers credit card numbers and used them!!! Half of the drivers whodeliver the pizza carry valid insurance and or even their Drivers Liciense!!!! Which is all it will take to keep this business from running is their conduct to continue and either 1: food poison somebody to death 2: wreck on a delivery and sue the store for not having valid insurance or DL etc...3: amouse or roach feces found in the food and then and only then will they be on the news again and get shut down, let's sit back and wait and see cause they are NOT changing shit, the owners don't care how their business is being ran. They keep the same people because they don't believe they could hire someone who could bring the business up to par!!!

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