Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
Lee Zeltzer., Panama
Pervert, possibly dangerous
14th of Sep, 2011 by
I am a 20 year old University of Arizona student who was recently visiting Panama in order to volunteer on an Organic farm. While visiting Boquete in the mountains, I met a man at a local coffee shop whom I thought was very helpful and sincere by the name of Lee Zeltzer. We immediately hit it off as he also claimed to have been at UA. He claimed to be separated from his wife, and really seemed to take an interest in me. As I was in a different country, and had recently broken up with my boyfriend, I was a bit vulnerable. During my time there, he would frequently call me to ask me to lunch. I became more and more enamored with him, as he initially really seemed to be genuine. He is a very good conversationalist, and I got lost in his stories. In a moment of weakness I let my guard down and before I knew it we were in a sort of mini-hotel they refer to as a "push-button". I really didn't want to go, but he made me feel wanted. The sex was horrible, but he was such a sweet talker, that our relationship lasted for another week. He told me it's normal at his age to be a little dysfunctional. Then he started to become a little more aggressive, and at the same time very evasive. I won't post the things he suggested to me, but suffice it to say I cut my stay short because I felt unsafe. I am sure I am not the first little fling he has had, and I wanted to warn other unsuspecting females of the wolf in sheep's clothing. Now that I look back, our lunches and rendezvous seemed to be a little on the secretive side. I am so angry at myself for allowing it to happen. Girls beware.
4699 days ago by Lzeltzer
Well all I can say is my information is very public and if anyone who knows me believes a word of this, they do not know me. Note the date it was posted because of thread on Boquete ning to make a point about anonymous slander. Writer I did slander or liable anyone. You did with this post you therefore have no credability.
4699 days ago by Distraught
Oh my God Lee! Now you are going to deny what you did to me. You are right, people don't know who you are. You are a bad person, trying to play innocent. So, you are married, aren't you? You liar!!
4699 days ago by Lzeltzer
This thread is a scam from

A person in that thread is trying to make a point about anonymous libel. Point made, anyone can anonymously libel anyone. The dilemma is I am a real person, the libeler anonymous.

In reference to the actual thread. Until the poster who I assume is Paul Gulbronson, although I cannot say so as a fact started his libel all there was were non anonymous claims her was a scam artist from Barry Bryant.

Mr Gulbronson admitted to a problem:
Permalink Reply by Paul G 17 hours ago

I am the accused, yes the project fell apart due to permitting issues. Barry has been offered several solutions and has declined all. He has attacked me all over the internet and has WRONGLY Trashed Marvin Dick Morgan, Dick simply introduced us and was NOT Compensated a dime. My thoughts of a scammer, are if you run from people and dont try to right a wrong. I have done everything in my power to make Barry happy. He went to the papers and all over the internet instead of using the proper legal channels. That is the scam, trashing someone trying to resolve the issue. Sites like Rip Off Report are anonymous slam sites, you can rightfully or wrongly destroy someones name. I want to repeat, it clearly shows the integrity of the accuser when Dick offered a piece of his own land to make it right even though he received not a dime and I flew to Ft Myers trying to bring resolution. I have spoken my part and caution those living in glass houses of judgement.

I made this suggestion:
Reply by Lee Zeltzer 5 hours ago

I know nothing or any of you or of this entire process. The simple solution is if the "project fell apart", your words, refund the money to the buyer. If you will not refund the money and cannot transfer title to the property then people do deserve a warning to steer clear.
If Remax was involved, Mr Morgan says he is an agent for them, they have an obligation to resolve this. If they were not involved then you should not use their name in this thread since you tarnish it.

That suggestion created this SCAM report.
4699 days ago by Distraught
Lee, You know good and well this information is true and you hurt me very badly. I will never come back to Panama because of you. I dont know who these people are in this posting, but I know who you are and I know what you did to me. Now it all makes sense, your sneaking around and calling me at weird hours. This is real, we were real and I dont appreciate you denying it. You better not hurt other young girls like you did me and I am close to telling my father, he will not be happy with the way you treated me and what happened.

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