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MyAntiAgingMD Ailment Wellness Center Misrepresents Their History, fraud, stock fraud, investment scammer Fairfax City, Virginia
13th of Feb, 2013 by User565930
Back in the old days there used to be people called muckrakers and these people would investigate businesses in order to try the veracity of a businesses claims. Gone are the good old days but not the good old ways. Today thanks to modern technology we are able to look up a businesses background. But just as we can use the Internet to find out truths we can be deceived by the Internet postings as well. And one posting I would like to bring out into the light is that of Amir Pakpour, David Bychkov and Dale Allman. Now I have noticed that these three scam artists huddle together giving each other kudos do that everyone else can say WOW, look at the great reviews these guys are getting. Well lets dive into the Truth here. Btw - To these guys truth is of no consequence to them but your money well it is. Amir Pakpour proudly displays his linked in profile stating that his Ailment Wellness Center has been in business since 2008. I am a business associate of Mr. Pakpour and know that he founded and started Ailment Wellness Center in Fredericksburg, Va in 2010. I am not sure what value adding two years to his profile produced but what it demonstrates to me is that he lies. If he is willing to lie about a trivial business start date then what else is he willing to lie about on a much larger scale. This demonstrates character the lack thereof. Below are links from the Internet to prove that his website was created in 2010 along with his business which was formed in Delaware. Moving on to my next point Amir Pakpour then states that he has been the Chief of Staff for Exmovere since 2010 to present. I am also a former associate of David Bychkov CEO of Exmovere. Never in 2010 did I see or know Amir Pakpour. Dale Allman used to front shareholder activity at Exmovere but was never employed by Exmovere although he played his part in making investors or potential investors of Exmovere believe that the company was legitimate. I notice that Dale Allman does not put down his work with Exmovere on his linked in profile. He is now distancing himself from the fraudulent company??? Getting back to Amir Pakpour and the Chief of Staff fraud. David Bychkov in a letter and email was asked who the officers of the company were and what role did they play. Never once did he say Amir Pakpour played a role in Exmovere. When asked directly by an attorney David Bychkov admitted that Amir Pakpour was just a shareholder. I guess David Bychkov another liar promised Amir that he would lie for him as well in exchange for money. The bottom line is this these three have lied about their background and education. They back each other up with more lies. The sad part about it is guys like these give businesses in America a bad name. David Bychkov has scammed more people out if money for his phony Exmovere business that is no longer located in Tyson's. Amir Pakpour and Dale Allmam have assisted David in his lies and crooked ways. Since these guys lack character and conviction to do the right thing then we as enterprising Americans owe it to ourselves and our country to hold these cronies accountable for their lies. How do we do this? Send them a link to this report and make them come clean or no more business dealings with them. If you are engaged in business with these guys sooner or later you WILL get burned. It's in all of our best interest not to tolerate such practices. This is how we as Americans including David, Amir and Dale preserve the integrity of American businesses. We don't win by cheating and lying but by being innovators true to our word and honor. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Stop lying and cheating people to get ahead for your gain. Recognize you will not get far in that tactic. You may for a season but not in the long run. David Bychkov MAKE THINGS RIGHT BY THE WOMEN YOU CHEATED OUT OF MONEY BY EMOTIONALLY MANIPULATING THEM ON with Cheyenne Crow and now Amir Pakpour. Make things right all is not and will not be forgotten. Methodically you picked out women with diseases perhaps you thought once they died all would be water under the bridge that no one would notice. God noticed and the hurt you have inflicted is not forgotten. He will raise a standard against guys like you and justice will be served in Earth as it already is in Heaven. David Bychkov, Amir Pakpour and Dale Allman this is your chance to make things right stop with the lies and repair the damage done to others with the fraud stop lying to yourselves. Make things right by those you have victimized. And stop lying on your linked in profile. People care more about the truth then the facade you create to seem believable. People see through facades. So the only one you are fooling is yourself. This report was intended to bring to light just a few of the plethora of lies these three have created. The best advice I can offer here is do not engage these three until they make right the wrongs and harm that they have done to others in the name of business. We the people make the standards of business without the rule of law. Lets come together and stop these injustices before these morons ruin it for all of us in business. Sincerely,

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